Lions Clubs International Australia

Lions House Foundation Inc. Facilities

The Foundation provides accommodation to Austin Health, which incorporates Austin Hospital, Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital and Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre, additionally we also provide the same accommodation service to the Mercy Hospital for Women.

The Aim of Lions House is to provide a place of affordable 

accommodation for families of patients from rural, interstate and outer metropolitan areas undergoing treatment at Austin Health and the Mercy Hospital for Women in Melbourne.

Lions House Foundation Inc. 


The Foundation provides accommodation to Austin Health, which incorporates Austin Hospital, Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital and Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre, additionally we also provide the same accommodation service to the Mercy Hospital for Women.

The Aim of Lions House is to provide a place of affordable accommodation for families of patients from rural, interstate and outer metropolitan areas undergoing treatment at Austin Health and the Mercy Hospital for Women in Melbourne.



Postal Address

P.O. Box 30


Victoria 3079 


03 9496 2499 
